
Friday, August 21, 2009

Props For Some Lightroom Presets

I've been doing a lot more editing in Lightroom over the last while, and I must say it ROCKS!!! Many people have created Photoshop Actions, but I've never been a big Photoshop fan. I preferred Corel's offerings, but there were not many choices for plug-ins. Now I only round trip to Photoshop if and only if it is necessary…Serious Sharpening or Noise Reduction… Otherwise I live in the quiet, non-destructive world of Lightroom.

Recently I come across some very great Develop Presets (Lightroom editing speak) which have expanded my range of what I want to do with my photos, without spending a large amount of time.

Often they are not used as is, but get me in the ballpark, and I still have to have a feel for which treatment makes the best photo from my picture. Or they give me ideas for my own additional presets.

Thanks to the preset developers for making their warez free.

More Later...

PS: Thanks to Gavin Seim for keeping a great list on his website.