
Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Week In Review

While I'm trying to do something every day to every other day, I've been a little swamped as I'm getting ready for my vacation.  I'm going to a baptism/christening in San Luis Potosí, México. So I'm going to do a quick summary of my irks from the week and may come back to elaborate on the general themes when time permits.

Government Stupidity

The Prime Minister of Canada prorogued parliament.  Basically, because he tried to bully the opposition parties, they began to fight back by trying to form a coalition.  The coalition would have been able to over throw the government.  So the Prime Minister suspended parliament, rather than face a non-confidence vote, only 1 week into the post election session.


With the general economic conditions around the world, Canada's Central Bank finally said the "R" word, and dropped interest rates.  I will have to wait until later to cuss on this topic.


We went from 10°C above seasonal to 10°C below seasonal in 24 hours.  I don't mind -25°C weather but only after I've had a couple days at -10°C and a couple at -15°C.  Also, on the night of the moon perigee, we had overcast blowing crap as the weather fronts moved through. So I didn't get a chance to try the obligatory full moon pix and now have to wait for another ~16 years. I forgot about the perigee until I started scanning articles on New Scientist  web site.

When the weather was above seasonal, it was messy and slushy outside, so I wasn't super amused.  I want snow, but I want it to be -10°C with 30cm of snow, not +1°C with freezing rain, and then a melting mess. I guess I'm just never satisfied.

More Later....

PS: as I'm writing this post, it is -30°C with the effective temperature hovering around -38°C (-36°F), it should be -15°C (~5°F).