Saturday, I followed a Snowy Owl for a couple of clicks, but I was never able to get into a position to take some pix. I also kept stumbling into flocks of partridges, but again I nothing worth snapping any pix of. Sunday I came across a nice little 8 point buck, but again if I had some longer glass I would have been able to do something but alas nothing. After sunset I saw a couple more little herds of deer, but it was too dark for anything of value. It was overcast, and in the stix with no light, it was inky dark.
Saturday evening, I also had a first, I was allowed to baby sit the little one of a good friend of mine. It is her baptism that I am heading to México for during Christmas. I popped in for supper, they put the little one down, I edited photos while they went out for the evening. She was an angel, so my friend and her husband with hopefully get a few more evenings out.
The weekend was 50-50, Saturday was great, Sunday was a bust. Still any day outside snappin' pix is better than not.
More Later...
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